++ Currently, the examples are being reworked after the latest update because GBIF behaves differently now. Find out more. ++
Welcome to geoengine-python! This notebook is intended to show you around and explain the basics of how geoengine-python and VAT are related.
The purpose of this notebook is to demonstrate the capabilities of Geo Engine. Therefore some useful techniques will be shown:
When building your own nested workflow, it is recommended to build it in several steps as seen in this notebook.
Documentation about the operators and how to use them in Python can be found here: https://docs.geoengine.io/operators/intro.html
The first thing to do is to import the geoengine-python package:
import geoengine as ge
For plotting it is currently also necessary to import Altair:
import altair as alt
#Other imports from datetime import datetime import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
To establish a connection with the VAT, the ge.initialise can be used together with the API URL:
In the case of a locally hosted instance, the link would be http://localhost:4200/api.
For a more comfortable work with the GBIF DataProvider it is possible to get the name from the root_collection:
root_collection = ge.layer_collection() gbif_prov_id = '' for elem in root_collection.items: if elem.name == 'GBIF': gbif_prov_id = str(elem.provider_id) gbif_prov_id
To load data, use operators or plot vector data, 'workflows' need to be created, as shown in Loading the dragonfly species Aeshna affinis
A workflow needs to be registered in the VAT or Geo Engine instance. Therefore the command ge.register_workflow followed by the command in JSON can be used:
workflow_aeshna_affinis = ge.register_workflow({ "type": "Vector", "operator": { "type": "OgrSource", "params": { "data": f"_:{gbif_prov_id}:`species/Aeshna affinis`", } } }) workflow_aeshna_affinis
Alternatively the workflow_builder can be used as shown here: TODO
The result of each registration is the workflow_id, which can be used directly in VAT to trigger the workflow. To finally load the vector data from VAT, the .get_dataframe method can be used. The method takes as parameters the search extent, a time interval, the spatial resolution and a coordinate reference system.
#Set time start_time = datetime.strptime( '2010-01-01T12:00:00.000Z', "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z") end_time = datetime.strptime( '2011-01-01T12:00:00.000Z', "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z") #Request the data from Geo Engine into a geopandas dataframe data = workflow_aeshna_affinis.get_dataframe( ge.QueryRectangle( ge.BoundingBox2D(-180, -90, 180, 90), ge.TimeInterval(start_time, end_time), resolution=ge.SpatialResolution(0.1, 0.1), srs="EPSG:4326" ) ) #Plot the data ax = data.plot(markersize=3) ax.set_xlim([-180,180]) ax.set_ylim([-90,90])
(-90.0, 90.0)
The extent was chosen to make it clear that the occurrences of Aeshna affinis only occur on the Eurasian continent. Without the x- and y-limiters the plot would look different:
<Axes: >
In addition to vector data, raster data could also be loaded from the VAT.
To load raster data again, a workflow must be registered, but this time the 'GdalSource' is used instead of the 'OgrSource':
workflow_t_min = ge.register_workflow({ "type": "Raster", "operator": { "type": "RasterScaling", "params": { "slope": { "type": "constant", "value": 0.1 }, "offset": { "type": "constant", "value": -273.15 }, "outputMeasurement": { "type": "continuous", "measurement": "temperature", "unit": "K/10" }, "scalingMode": "mulSlopeAddOffset" }, "sources": { "raster": { "type": "RasterTypeConversion", "params": { "outputDataType": "F32" }, "sources": { "raster": { "type": "GdalSource", "params": { "data": "mean_daily_minimum_2m_air_temperature" } } } } } } }) workflow_t_min
The raster data can then be requested as a `xarray.DataArray' and plotted that way:
#Request the data from Geo Engine into a xarray dataarray data = workflow_t_min.get_xarray( ge.QueryRectangle( ge.BoundingBox2D(-180, -90, 180, 90), ge.TimeInterval(start_time, start_time), resolution=ge.SpatialResolution(1., 1.), srs="EPSG:4326" ) ) #Plot the data TODO more description data.plot(vmin=-50, vmax=50)
/home/duempelmann/geoengine_env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/owslib/coverage/wcs110.py:85: FutureWarning: The behavior of this method will change in future versions. Use specific 'len(elem)' or 'elem is not None' test instead. elem = self._capabilities.find(self.ns.OWS('ServiceProvider')) or self._capabilities.find(self.ns.OWS('ServiceProvider')) # noqa <matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x7fb654cef9a0>
The same can be done for the maximum temperature:
workflow_t_max = ge.register_workflow({ "type": "Raster", "operator": { "type": "RasterScaling", "params": { "slope": { "type": "constant", "value": 0.1 }, "offset": { "type": "constant", "value": -273.15 }, "outputMeasurement": { "type": "continuous", "measurement": "temperature", "unit": "K/10" }, "scalingMode": "mulSlopeAddOffset" }, "sources": { "raster": { "type": "RasterTypeConversion", "params": { "outputDataType": "F32" }, "sources": { "raster": { "type": "GdalSource", "params": { "data": "mean_daily_maximum_2m_air_temperature" } } } } } } }) workflow_t_max
#Request the data from Geo Engine into a xarray dataarray data = workflow_t_max.get_xarray( ge.QueryRectangle( ge.BoundingBox2D(-180, -90, 180, 90), ge.TimeInterval(start_time, start_time), resolution=ge.SpatialResolution(1.0, 1.0), srs="EPSG:4326" ) ) #Plot the data data.plot(vmin=-50, vmax=50)
/home/duempelmann/geoengine_env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/owslib/coverage/wcs110.py:85: FutureWarning: The behavior of this method will change in future versions. Use specific 'len(elem)' or 'elem is not None' test instead. elem = self._capabilities.find(self.ns.OWS('ServiceProvider')) or self._capabilities.find(self.ns.OWS('ServiceProvider')) # noqa <matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x7fb652906ad0>
As well as loading data, the VAT has several operators for manipulating or transforming geodata. One example is the raster vector join.
The raster vector join operator joins the vector data to one or more raster layers based on the position of the vector features. As shown in this example, the inputs are more or less the individual workflows seen before:
workflow_aeshna_affinis_join = ge.register_workflow({ "type": "Vector", "operator": { "type": "RasterVectorJoin", "params": { "names": { "type": "names", "values": ["Min_Temperature", "Max_Temperature"] }, "temporalAggregation": "none", "featureAggregation": "mean", }, "sources": { "vector": { #Aeshna affinis ########################################## "type": "OgrSource", "params": { "data": f"_:{gbif_prov_id}:`species/Aeshna affinis`", } }, ################################################################### "rasters": [{ #Minimum temperature ################################### "type": "RasterScaling", "params": { "slope": { "type": "constant", "value": 0.1 }, "offset": { "type": "constant", "value": -273.15 }, "outputMeasurement": { "type": "continuous", "measurement": "temperature", "unit": "K/10" }, "scalingMode": "mulSlopeAddOffset" }, "sources": { "raster": { "type": "RasterTypeConversion", "params": { "outputDataType": "F32" }, "sources": { "raster": { "type": "GdalSource", "params": { "data": "mean_daily_minimum_2m_air_temperature" } } } } } }, ################################################################ { #Maximum temperature ############################################ "type": "RasterScaling", "params": { "slope": { "type": "constant", "value": 0.1 }, "offset": { "type": "constant", "value": -273.15 }, "outputMeasurement": { "type": "continuous", "measurement": "temperature", "unit": "K/10" }, "scalingMode": "mulSlopeAddOffset" }, "sources": { "raster": { "type": "RasterTypeConversion", "params": { "outputDataType": "F32" }, "sources": { "raster": { "type": "GdalSource", "params": { "data": "mean_daily_maximum_2m_air_temperature" } } } } } } ################################################################# ] } } }) workflow_aeshna_affinis_join
The input parameters required for each operator can be found in the documentation: https://docs.geoengine.io/operators/intro.html. In this example, the RasterVectorJoin operator takes two input parameters: vector, which represents the vector layer to use, and raster, which represents the one or more raster layers to join.
The resulting vector data again can be get by requesting the data as a GeoDataFrame:
#Request the data from Geo Engine into a geopandas dataframe data_aeshna_affinis = workflow_aeshna_affinis_join.get_dataframe( ge.QueryRectangle( ge.BoundingBox2D(-180, -90, 180, 90), ge.TimeInterval(start_time, end_time), resolution=ge.SpatialResolution(0.1, 0.1), srs="EPSG:4326" ) ) #Show the geopandas dataframe data_aeshna_affinis
978 rows × 8 columns
The data could then be plotted directly in Pyhton:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20,10)) data_aeshna_affinis.plot(ax=ax[0], column='Min_Temperature', legend=True, legend_kwds={'label': 'Minimum Temperature'}) data_aeshna_affinis.plot(ax=ax[1], column='Max_Temperature', legend=True, legend_kwds={'label': 'Maximum Temperature'}) plt.show()
The VAT also offers some of its own plot types, such as histograms.
Of course, a workflow must be registered in order to plot the data:
workflow_aeshna_affinis_join_plot_min = ge.register_workflow({ "type": "Plot", "operator": { "type": "Histogram", "params": { "attributeName": "Min_Temperature", "bounds": "data", "buckets": { "type": "number", "value": 20 } }, "sources": { "source": { #Aeshna affinis Join ############################################# "type": "RasterVectorJoin", "params": { "names": { "type": "names", "values": ["Min_Temperature", "Max_Temperature"] }, "temporalAggregation": "none", "featureAggregation": "mean", }, "sources": { "vector": { "type": "OgrSource", "params": { "data": f"_:{gbif_prov_id}:`species/Aeshna affinis`", } }, "rasters": [{ "type": "RasterScaling", "params": { "slope": { "type": "constant", "value": 0.1 }, "offset": { "type": "constant", "value": -273.15 }, "outputMeasurement": { "type": "continuous", "measurement": "temperature", "unit": "K/10" }, "scalingMode": "mulSlopeAddOffset" }, "sources": { "raster": { "type": "RasterTypeConversion", "params": { "outputDataType": "F32" }, "sources": { "raster": { "type": "GdalSource", "params": { "data": "mean_daily_minimum_2m_air_temperature" } } } } } }, { "type": "RasterScaling", "params": { "slope": { "type": "constant", "value": 0.1 }, "offset": { "type": "constant", "value": -273.15 }, "outputMeasurement": { "type": "continuous", "measurement": "temperature", "unit": "K/10" }, "scalingMode": "mulSlopeAddOffset" }, "sources": { "raster": { "type": "RasterTypeConversion", "params": { "outputDataType": "F32" }, "sources": { "raster": { "type": "GdalSource", "params": { "data": "mean_daily_maximum_2m_air_temperature" } } } } } } ] } ########################################################################## } } } }) workflow_aeshna_affinis_join_plot_min
The .plot_chart method can be used to get the plot, which can then be plotted using the altair' package:
#Request the plot from Geo Engine plot_aeshna_affinis_min = workflow_aeshna_affinis_join_plot_min.plot_chart( ge.QueryRectangle( ge.BoundingBox2D(-180, -90, 180, 90), ge.TimeInterval(start_time, end_time), resolution=ge.SpatialResolution(0.1, 0.1), srs="EPSG:4326" ) ) #Show the plot alt.Chart.from_dict(plot_aeshna_affinis_min.spec)
workflow_aeshna_affinis_join_plot_max = ge.register_workflow({ "type": "Plot", "operator": { "type": "Histogram", "params": { "attributeName": "Max_Temperature", "bounds": "data", "buckets": { "type": "number", "value": 20 } }, "sources": { "source": { #Aeshna affinis Join ############################################# "type": "RasterVectorJoin", "params": { "names": { "type": "names", "values": ["Min_Temperature", "Max_Temperature"] }, "temporalAggregation": "none", "featureAggregation": "mean", }, "sources": { "vector": { "type": "OgrSource", "params": { "data": f"_:{gbif_prov_id}:`species/Aeshna affinis`", } }, "rasters": [{ "type": "RasterScaling", "params": { "slope": { "type": "constant", "value": 0.1 }, "offset": { "type": "constant", "value": -273.15 }, "outputMeasurement": { "type": "continuous", "measurement": "temperature", "unit": "K/10" }, "scalingMode": "mulSlopeAddOffset" }, "sources": { "raster": { "type": "RasterTypeConversion", "params": { "outputDataType": "F32" }, "sources": { "raster": { "type": "GdalSource", "params": { "data": "mean_daily_minimum_2m_air_temperature" } } } } } }, { "type": "RasterScaling", "params": { "slope": { "type": "constant", "value": 0.1 }, "offset": { "type": "constant", "value": -273.15 }, "outputMeasurement": { "type": "continuous", "measurement": "temperature", "unit": "K/10" }, "scalingMode": "mulSlopeAddOffset" }, "sources": { "raster": { "type": "RasterTypeConversion", "params": { "outputDataType": "F32" }, "sources": { "raster": { "type": "GdalSource", "params": { "data": "mean_daily_maximum_2m_air_temperature" } } } } } } ] } ########################################################################## } } } }) #Request the plot from Geo Engine plot_aeshna_affinis_max = workflow_aeshna_affinis_join_plot_max.plot_chart( ge.QueryRectangle( ge.BoundingBox2D(-180, -90, 180, 90), ge.TimeInterval(start_time, end_time), resolution=ge.SpatialResolution(0.1, 0.1), srs="EPSG:4326" ) ) #Show the plot alt.Chart.from_dict(plot_aeshna_affinis_max.spec)
As you can see, VAT offers a lot of functionality, which will be deepened and extended in the following examples.
In this chapter, some other useful links between Geo Engine and Python are shown.
#Overlay plot with context import geopandas as gpd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #Request the data from Geo Engine into a xarray dataarray data_min = workflow_t_min.get_xarray( ge.QueryRectangle( ge.BoundingBox2D(-15.1189, 29.6655, 92.9116, 65.3164), ge.TimeInterval(start_time, start_time), resolution=ge.SpatialResolution(1.0, 1.0), srs="EPSG:4326" ) ) #Request the data from Geo Engine into a xarray dataarray data_max = workflow_t_max.get_xarray( ge.QueryRectangle( ge.BoundingBox2D(-15.1189, 29.6655, 92.9116, 65.3164), ge.TimeInterval(start_time, start_time), resolution=ge.SpatialResolution(1.0, 1.0), srs="EPSG:4326" ) ) #Plot the data fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20,10)) data_min.plot(ax=ax[0], vmin=-30, vmax=20) data_aeshna_affinis.plot(ax=ax[0], color='red', markersize=3) data_max.plot(ax=ax[1], vmin=-30, vmax=20) data_aeshna_affinis.plot(ax=ax[1], color='red', markersize=3) plt.show()
/home/duempelmann/geoengine_env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/owslib/coverage/wcs110.py:85: FutureWarning: The behavior of this method will change in future versions. Use specific 'len(elem)' or 'elem is not None' test instead. elem = self._capabilities.find(self.ns.OWS('ServiceProvider')) or self._capabilities.find(self.ns.OWS('ServiceProvider')) # noqa /home/duempelmann/geoengine_env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/owslib/coverage/wcs110.py:85: FutureWarning: The behavior of this method will change in future versions. Use specific 'len(elem)' or 'elem is not None' test instead. elem = self._capabilities.find(self.ns.OWS('ServiceProvider')) or self._capabilities.find(self.ns.OWS('ServiceProvider')) # noqa